Inspections & Consultations in Ann Arbor

Critter Control is a full-service company. When we come to your home, we’ll inspect your property inside and out and top to bottom using our copyrighted Animal Entry Worksheet (AEW). This will help us identify all potential problem areas and offer you safe and cost-effective solutions.

What type of animals get into Ann Arbor homes?

The weather in Michigan is constantly fluctuating which means many critters are often looking for a safe and warm place to call home. Your Ann Arbor home can be an easy answer for them. Common animals that damage your yard or home include:

How much does animal removal cost in Ann Arbor?

The level of damage an animal can cause in your home varies drastically. Critter Control of Ann Arbor can take care of almost any problem an animal creates, and we can also install prevention methods to keep animals from damaging your home in the future.

From caulking and sealing to attic restoration, we offer many different services at many different price points. The best thing to do is call for a phone consultation or book a complete property inspection. We will determine any potential wildlife problems in your home and offer a cost-effective solution.

What services does Critter Control of Ann Arbor offer?

Critter Control of Ann Arbor offers a variety of services to ensure your home is protected from wildlife. The services we offer for your Ann Arbor home include:

If there’s something in your home that needs attention that you don’t see on our website, please give us a call and we will do our best to accommodate your request!

Call Critter Control of Ann Arbor today for more information on solving your animal-related problems and damage.