Hearing rodents scampering around in your walls or finding droppings in your attic is enough to keep you up at night. But what is even scarier is the serious health risks rodents can pose to humans. 

Here are a few of the common health risks associated with rodents: 

1. Disease Transmission 

Rodents can carry and transmit various dangerous diseases to humans. Common diseases transmitted by rodents include: 

  • Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome — a severe, sometimes fatal, respiratory disease
  • Leptospirosis —a potentially fatal bacterial disease that can lead to kidney damage, meningitis, liver failure, or respiratory distress.
  • Salmonellosis— a bacterial disease that affects the intestinal tract. 
  • Rat-bite Fever— a serious and even fatal bacterial disease caused by two different bacteria commonly found in the urine and droppings of rodents. 


2. Allergies and Asthma 

Rodent urine, feces, and dander all contain allergens that can trigger serious allergic reactions and asthma symptoms in susceptible individuals. If a rodent is in your home or personal space, breathing in their airborne allergens can lead to respiratory problems, including coughing, wheezing, and difficulty breathing. 


3. Contamination of food and water 

Two of the main reasons rodents choose to occupy your Ann Arbor home are food and water, so it is likely to assume if a rodent is in your home, they have found a source to these two necessities. When rodents come into contact with food and water supplies, they can contaminate them with diseases and bacteria. Their urine, droppings, and hair can also contaminate surfaces and food items, leading to food poisoning and the transmission of diseases like Salmonellosis. 


4. Parasites and secondary infestations 

Rodents can carry external parasites like fleas, ticks, and mites. These parasites can infect homes and be transmitted to humans or pets. Parasites can cause disease in humans and pets. Additionally, once a rodent gains access to your home, it can attract other pests like lice, cockroaches, or beetles, which can further contribute to health risks. 


So, yes to answer your question, rodents are dangerous and should not be taken lightly. If you find rodents in your Ann Arbor home, call the professionals at Critter Control of Ann Arbor. Our experts will safely handle these nuisance creatures and keep you and your family safe from disease. 

Other ways to minimize the health risks associated with rodents include practicing good hygiene, maintaining a clean-living environment, and taking the appropriate measures to prevent rodent infestations. Learn about our wildlife prevention services here.


Cleanup and Sanitization From Rodents 

The best way to keep your family and home safe after a rodent infestation is by calling the experts at Critter Control of Ann Arbor. Our team specializes in Home Services, including animal cleanup and sanitization. Our experts will ensure that all animal droppings, damage, and any other remnants of wildlife infestation are gone and properly disposed of. It’s best to trust professionals with years of experience when handling wildlife cleanup. Professionals are able to use professional-grade sanitization products and processes to eliminate all health risks. There are a few things you can do on your own to clean up and sanitize your home after a rodent problem: 

The first step before you can do any cleanup or sanitization after a rodent problem is to gather the right tools and protective gear. As we discussed above rodents can be extremely dangerous critters. It is important to protect yourself from harmful bacteria, viruses, and parasites that rodents can transmit. Always wear appropriate protective gear when handling wildlife issues, including disposable gloves, a mask, and goggles. Additionally, gather necessary cleaning supplies such as disinfectants, trash bags, and paper towels. 

Now that you are thoroughly protected from harmful diseases, here are a few other tasks you can conduct to clean up and sanitize your home: 

  • Ventilate the Area: Open up windows and doors to let fresh air into the infected space. 


  • Throw Away Contaminated Fabrics and Items: If rodents have come into contact with clothing, bedding, other fabrics, or other materials it’s important to either throw them away or launder them using hot water and powerful detergent. A high-temperature wash cycle will help to kill any bacteria and parasites that may be present. It is important to handle any contaminated items with gloves and to avoid shaking them to prevent the spread of contaminants.


  • Seal Entry Points: Preventing future infestations is just as important as cleaning up after one. Walk around and examine your home to identify any possible entry points that rodents may have used to access your home. Once identified, use materials like steel wool, wire mesh, and caulk, to close off and seal these entry points. A common place rodents are found in many homes is attics and crawlspaces, read our article about how to keep rodents out of attics here.