Raccoon Habits

Raccoons are resourceful omnivores, well practiced in getting into places they shouldn't. If you know what they're after and how to respond, you can prevent them from finding their way into your home.

What Do Raccoons Eat in the Wild?

Raccoons, being opportunistic eaters, have a diverse diet that includes:

  1. Fruits and Vegetables: Raccoons are known to consume a wide range of fruits and vegetables, including berries, apples, and corn. They are especially fond of raiding gardens for these treats.

  2. Insects: Insects, such as beetles, grasshoppers, and worms, make up a significant part of a raccoon's diet.

  3. Small Mammals: Raccoons are skilled predators and will not hesitate to catch and eat small mammals like mice, squirrels, and rabbits when the opportunity arises.

  4. Fish: Raccoons are known to catch fish, frogs, and even crayfish.

  5. Birds and Bird Eggs: Raccoons have a taste for bird eggs and will often climb trees to raid bird nests. They may also catch and eat smaller birds.

  6. Garbage: Raccoons are infamous for scavenging through garbage cans and dumpsters for discarded food. Their dexterity allows them to open lids and access food inside.

  7. Pet Food: If pet food is left outdoors, raccoons may help themselves to it.

Raccoons in the House and Attic:

Raccoons can become a significant problem when they enter homes and attics. They typically enter through openings in roofs, walls, or vents. Once inside, their diet preferences remain the same, but they may start consuming:

  1. Stored Food: Raccoons can access pantries and kitchens, where they may consume stored food items.

  2. Pet Food: If pet food is left out, raccoons are likely to eat it.

  3. Insulation and Wiring: In their quest for shelter and warmth, raccoons may damage insulation and wiring.

  4. Nesting Materials: Raccoons in attics may tear apart insulation and use it as nesting material.

  5. Damage to Structures: The presence of raccoons can result in structural damage to your home or attic.

Preventing Raccoon Infestations:

To prevent raccoons from entering your home or attic, consider the following measures:

  1. Seal Openings: Ensure that all openings and potential entry points are securely sealed.

  2. Secure Garbage Bins: Use raccoon-proof lids on garbage cans and keep them shut tightly.

  3. Trim Trees: Trim branches near your house to prevent easy access to the roof.

  4. Remove Food Sources: Do not leave pet food outdoors, and secure any potential food sources.