Raccoons, with their inquisitive nature and adaptability, often find their way into urban and suburban spaces, occasionally causing damage to homes and properties. In this article, we explore the potential damage raccoons can inflict and provide practical strategies for raccoon-proofing your home.

Understanding Raccoon Damage:

  1. Structural Issues:

    • Raccoons are adept climbers and may access roofs, attics, and chimneys, causing structural damage. Their sharp claws can damage shingles, vents, and even enter attics, leading to potential nesting.
  2. Gardens and Landscaping:

    • Raccoons have a diverse diet, including fruits and vegetables. Gardens become susceptible to damage as raccoons may raid crops, overturn potted plants, and create disturbances in landscaping.
  3. Trash Bins and Containers:

    • Raccoons are notorious for scavenging through trash bins in search of food. This can result in a mess around your property, with garbage strewn across lawns and driveways.
  4. Pet Encounters:

    • Raccoons may pose a threat to pets, especially if cornered or provoked. Encounters between raccoons and pets can lead to injuries, and raccoons may carry diseases that can be transmitted to animals.

Effective Raccoon-Proofing Strategies:

  1. Secure Trash Bins:

    • Use raccoon-resistant trash bins with secure lids to prevent easy access. Consider storing bins in secure enclosures or garages until collection day.
  2. Secure Pet Food:

    • If you have pets, avoid leaving food bowls outside overnight. Bring pet food indoors, especially during the evening when raccoons are more active.
  3. Protect Gardens:

    • Implement fencing around gardens to deter raccoons. Consider using motion-activated lights or sprinklers to discourage nocturnal visits.
  4. Seal Entry Points:

    • Inspect your home for potential entry points, including gaps in roofs, vents, and chimneys. Seal these openings with durable materials to prevent raccoon access.
  5. Install Chimney Caps:

    • Chimney caps are effective in preventing raccoons from entering chimneys. These caps allow smoke to escape while keeping unwanted wildlife out.
  6. Trim Tree Branches:

    • Trim overhanging branches that could provide raccoons with easy access to your roof. Raccoons are skilled climbers, and reducing potential pathways can discourage their presence.
  7. Use Deterrents:

    • Deploy motion-activated deterrents, such as lights, noise devices, or water sprayers, to discourage raccoons from approaching your property.
  8. Professional Removal Services:

    • If raccoons have already established a presence, consider seeking professional wildlife removal services. Trained experts can safely and humanely handle the removal process.


Raccoons, while fascinating creatures, can pose challenges when they encroach upon our living spaces. Understanding potential damage and implementing raccoon-proofing strategies can help safeguard your home and property. By taking proactive measures, you can enjoy a harmonious coexistence with wildlife while minimizing the risk of unwanted encounters and property damage.